"Glengarry Block Stairwell"
Technique: piezo speakers, max/msp audio synthesis software, amplifiers, computer
Send+Receive Festival
Ace Art http://www.aceart.org/
Winnipeg, Canada
October 14–22, 2005
The sound installation "Glengarry Block Stairwell" focuses on a space of transit, a space one moves through without taking notice of, a non-place: the flight of stairs leading to the Ace Art Gallery, located on the second floor of the Glengarry Block building, situated in the heart of Winnipeg's historical Exchange District. Normally when we climb or descend the stairs of a building, we are on our way to somewhere else, our thoughts are on where we are going or where we are coming from. The work "Ace Art Stairwell" re-invents a non-place and turns our attention back to a space we might have never before been conscious of. Sounds specially designed for the stairwell leading to the Ace Art Gallery and played back through piezo element loudspeakers located along the length of the stairwell create a space which is no longer just about transit but also about listening.
