"While I Was Here"
Technique: media player, speakers
Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen
Sindelfingen, Germany
October 6–November 18, 2017
The title of this installation While I Was Here deals with the idea of how we can define a space through our presence and what traces remain when we are gone. I spent three days in each of the three rooms designated for my installation at the Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen, using my voice to create a sense of my presence, interacting with the acoustics, the light, the very emotional weight of each room as I spent hours working with the spaces. I made recordings of my interventions in these spaces, which consisted of vocalizing but also working with the texture of the various materials found in each room: the glass windows, the wooden floors, the walls; running my hands over these surfaces and using my voice in a similar fashion to feel through and work with the space. And in the process creating a new space, that place between my interventions and the physical presence of the three rooms: the space of interaction. The resonance of my voice and movements in these spaces, ringing out slowly into silence marks the gradual traces of memory and presence that define every space we move through.

Center Room

Right Room

Left Room
Audio excerpts from the installation:
Left Room
Center Room
Right Room